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TITLE - Service, Issue, Location? 

Article by Ed Francis ADCH 
Introdution to post 
Use keyords: 
- Service (hypnotherapy / hypnosis) 
- Issue (anxiety / stop smoking / fear of xyz etc...) 
- Location (your area) 

How hypnotherapy can help 'issue' (location?) 

Explain using keywords 
- Service (hypnotherapy / hypnosis) 
- Issue (anxiety / stop smoking / fear of xyz etc...) 
- Location (your area) 
Use a link to a trusted external website (NHS?) 

Does hypnotherapy work for 'issue' 

Explain using keywords 
- Service (hypnotherapy / hypnosis) 
- Issue (anxiety / stop smoking / fear of xyz etc...) 
- Location (your area) 
Use a link to a trusted external website (NHS?) 

How long does it take for hypnosis to work for anxiety? 

Explain using keywords 
- Service (hypnotherapy / hypnosis) 
- Issue (anxiety / stop smoking / fear of xyz etc...) 
- Location (your area) 
Use a link to a trusted external website (NHS?) 

Can hypnosis stop panic attacks? 

Explain using keywords 
- Service (hypnotherapy / hypnosis) 
- Issue (anxiety / stop smoking / fear of xyz etc...) 
- Location (your area) 
Use a link to a trusted external website (NHS?) 
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